Monday, July 23, 2012

Welcome to my Blog!

Alright's time for me to blog about teaching. Soon I'll begin my second year as a classroom teacher at a private school in Saipan (google's in the middle of the Pacific. Reserch it when you have time because it's actually part of the United States). Money is scarce, which means they (and I) do not have the money to spend on professional development. That resulted in me searching the internet for ideas. I discovered wonderful teachers who share their ideas through blogging. My zest for teaching escalated as I began to see what worked for other teachers. Reading teachers' blogs helped me organize my classroom and be more creative in my lesson planning (thank you).
So here I am, just two weeks before we begin school (yeah, we begin early August). I'm excited for this second year, for I feel like it took me the entire year to figure out how I wanted my classroom to be like. Lately I've been piecing together my classroom management plan and organizing the curriculum. I've decided to make it a goal to blog about my second year of teaching. I did start a blog last year, mostly to organize the other blogs that I follow. I'll repost some of the posts from last year. But more than that, I'm creating this blog to share things that work for me and have this be a place that I reflect on the struggles and smiles of teaching.
And if anyone of you want to teach in the unique and very diverse community of Saipan, may the pictures below act as an invitation. Yes, the people who have always lived here have a beautiful island. It's a privilege to live on Saipan.


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